0208 848 1380 | sahancentre@yahoo.co.uk

Welcome to Sahan Centre

Sahan in Somali means “exploration”, and refers to the nomadic practice of sending out young men and scouts in search of storm clouds.  

When they find them they return to their people and lead them and their people to fresh water.

The idea of naming our organisation Sahan arose from wanting to help Somali families discover their true strength and true potential within and aim to make a positive difference to themselves and their communities wherever they are. Sahan serves as a platform to motivate and empower Somali families regardless of their education, ages and life experiences.

What We Do

Health & Leisure

The organisation promotes Somali and other BME families to lead healthier lifestyles.

Information, Advice and Advocacy

The charity provides advice and information through drop-in sessions and outreach services

Training Skills & Development

Sahan Society Centre’s ethos is to work with the vulnerable hard to reach society and assist them

Bringing communities together

Sahan Society Centre and its members actively take part in seminars and talks on community related progress and issues.

Art, Culture and Multi-media

Sahan Society Centre had taken part in several local and community events


Visit us

18-20 East Avenue Hayes Middlesex UB3 2HP

Call us

+44 (0) 208 848 1380

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